Productivity like this isn’t magic.

It just feels like it.

Neuroinclusive Productivity Consulting with talks to inspire your team, training to enhance collaboration and creativity, and system builds that allow everyone to thrive.

Certifiably Productive


“Work needs to get done”

Companies everywhere are being forced to do more, with less.

Fewer people, smaller budgets, but the same expectations — or maybe higher.

Whether we like it or not, this is “the new normal.”

You know that to get through this, you’ll just need everyone on the team to deliver.

  • You need everyone to meet their targets, hit their deadlines, and deliver on expectations.
  • You need people to be engaged, collaborating, and communicating effectively.
  • You need that work management tool to track and prioritize work, deliver insights about your team’s workload, and it should be easy to use without taking too much time.

No problem, right?

Productivity is a Team sport

How To lose great people

In our experience, the most common strategy we continue to see companies take, is to stay the course and increase the pressure.

First, the necessary decision to hold everyone to a loosely defined higher standard, enforce policies, and demand accountability. After all, in times like these, exceptions cannot be made.

Next, the decision to work with what you’ve got, no matter what. When issues are raised, problems identified, or needs unmet, the response is all too often either “just do your job” or “figure it out.”

Finally, the predictable results. Everyone is stressed and overwhelmed. Things start falling through the cracks and deadlines get missed. Work quality declines and tensions on the team start to flare. People start giving their notice.

consider this…

There’s No One “Right” Way to Work

…and yet, that is how too many organizations are set up.

Even though we all know that people don’t like being controlled, companies can’t help wasting time, money and energy trying to fit everyone and everything into the exact same box.

In an effort to do more with less, they turn to the assembly line. Everyone gets the same tools, the same schedules, and the same expectations.

The irony is that a brute force approach makes them weaker and the compulsion to move faster is what slows them down.

How to Become Super Productive

If you want to get more done, while having fun at work, you need to Approach Things “Differently”
1. Celebrate Differences

Every team has a collection of remarkable, different brains.

We believe the secret of thriving teams is the willingness to embrace differences, instead of muting them.

Teams that learn how to leverage each person’s unique strengths, work faster, are more innovative, and stay engaged.

We show teams how to harness the power of differences, and then customize productivity tools and workflows so that every brain on the team can thrive.

2. Build From the End

When it comes to strategy, whether it’s people or technology, everything is a variable defined by its capabilities and constraints.

We believe that titles, labels, best practices, and pre-existing beliefs, can all limit what is possible.

Teams that start with what they want, identify obstacles, and take time to design a plan, will move faster, make fewer errors, and get better results.

We inspire and train teams to look at everything differently to take the limits off what is possible.

3. Invest in magic

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” -Arthur C. Clarke

We believe in the power of technology to make our work easier and more productive.

Teams have a choice. Either put your head down to finish all those mundane, repeatable tasks. Or do something different, like automate them away, like magic.

We design systems, automations, and workflows to free up time and unleash all the hidden talent on your team.

how to Work With Us

Choose a Path

Essential Starting Points

60-90 minute workshops, lunch & learns, and productivity assessments.

Enhanced Programs

Our Signature Workshop Series, Productivity System Design, and Keynotes.

Super Productivity

Custom designed Programs where you choose the speed, depth, and duration.



We believe that the first step to changing behavior, is to show people something that irreversibly changes how they see the world. Once you learn something true that “makes sense” it is very hard to unring that bell.

We have talks that focus on culture and inclusion, on productivity and collaboration, and creativity and innovation. Each talk is designed with clear calls to action to inspire the audience and catalyze them to make a difference.



Different brains learn in different ways, and let us tell you — we are here for it. Our workshops are meticulously crafted experiences, designed for the message and the lesson to come through loud and clear.

Our workshops cover a wide variety of topics including people, processes, and tools. That means communication and collaboration workshops, productivity best practices, and hands-on, technical training for Asana, Notion, ClickUp and more.

However you walk in, you will walk out feeling ready to be Super Productive and make an impact.



Unless your company is “off-the-shelf,” that productivity tool you’ve invested in, isn’t likely to work right “off-the-shelf” either. Your business is unique, and the way you work needs to align with how your team works.

Our process ensures that everyone on your team gets what they need out of your project management tools.

While we are an Official Asana Services Partners, Notion Certified, and Certified Partners, we’re also platform agnostic and can transform any tool you’re using into one that works for everyone on the team.

It all starts with a 15-minute Call

Productivity is serious business, so let’s take it slow. We don’t want to rush into anything.

We don’t like to brag.

So, here’s what your peers said about us.

“Work your magic”

I would always say “can you work your magic” and time and time again, they did.

So long as we knew what we wanted, there was almost nothing that Super Productive couldn’t deliver. It has definitely changed my expectations about what a project management system should be able to do.
Kat High
Co-Founder, Artemis Factor

“Entertain, Engage and Educate”

These two are a dynamic duo who entertain, engage and educate in a fast hour of learning. I’m still thinking about all those beautiful brains I know out there and how to be better at finding ways to partner with them.”
Christine Burrows
Vice President Strategy and Operations, Powered by Purple Ink

“Seen & Inspired”

The keynote resonated so much with folks! Thank you for lending us your time, talents and vulnerability in such a way that made our employees feel seen and inspired!
Lauren Bowsher
Co-Founder, Murmuration

“inclusive workplace culture and beyond”

Having been in the disability support field for over 15 years, this is the most relevant training on supporting neurodivergent thinkers that I’ve ever experienced.

Don’t know what neurodivergent means? Hire Jeff and Sarah to train your staff, and not only will you find out, but you’ll have the tools to foster a truly inclusive workplace culture and beyond!
Michelle Harper
MC Harper Training and Consulting LLC

Meet Our Super Brains

These are the brilliant ones who make it all look so easy.

Jeff Gibbard


Sarah Ohanesian


Brenda Ronan

The Specialist

Alexis Rittereiser

The Conductor

Juliana Mendes

The Code Whisperer

Julianna Sanchez

The Swiss Army Knife

Aidan Kaye

The Connector

Andrew Parkes

The Co-Efficient
Action often begins with ideas.

Check out our blog: Productive Ideas

Ideas about neuroinclusivity, productivity, communication, leadership, and how to make our work a powerful method of making an impact.