About Us

The Legend of Super Productive

In the beginning...

Way back in 2011, Jeff and Sarah were introduced. At the time, Sarah was a flourishing in her previous career as CMO, and Jeff was running his own Social Media Agency.

Fast forward more than a decade and Jeff had left the world of Social Media Marketing, and Sarah had made the leap into entrepreneurship. Jeff was Sarah’s first phone call after that decision.

Over more than a decade, Jeff and Sarah continued to work together and when the opportunity presented itself to join forces, they both leapt at the chance.

What started as some simple Asana consulting blossomed into a full-fledged productivity consultancy as Jeff and Sarah brought on two more team members, and expanded into various productivity tools, speaking and training, and enterprise clients.

Now, Super Productive offers a unique methodology that blends together Jeff and Sarah’s unique brain types. Approaching productivity through the lens of both the tool and the unique individual, Super Productive is able to accomplish things many other companies cannot — improving productivity through employee engagement, deep customization, and extensive automation.

Our Productivity Designers

Meet the Team

Meet Alexis Rittereiser

"The Conductor"

Alexis Rittereiser is the point of contact for all clients. She is the master of schedules, maestro of emails, and the bearer of good news. 

Meet Brenda Ronan

"The Specialist"

Brenda Ronan has a unique skill set. Part strategist, part builder, and part project manager, Brenda understands virtually every angle of a client engagement. She makes a Swiss army knife look one dimensional.

Meet Sarah Ohanesian

"The Integrator"

If the trains are running on time, it’s because Sarah said so. Sarah is our fearless leader, the one who keeps the entire team on track and focused on our most important work.

Meet Jeff Gibbard

"The Vision"

Pattern recognition meets technological expertise, Jeff is the team’s lead strategist and time traveler. Looking into the future, Jeff charts the course for both Super Productive and its clients.

We stop at nothing

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We Love To Explore​

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We Take It Step-By-Step

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We Keep It Simple

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Our Values

We Believe In Hard Work And Dedication

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Are you ready to become Super Productive?